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I have the biz version of Zoiper 5. 
Library version: v2.8.88
Phone version: Zoiper5 5.2.14 for Windows 32bit
UI version: 1.1.28 

When I installed it, click to dial worked.  Then somehow today it no longer works.

Here is what was done between yesterday and today.

  1. I uninstalled Zoiper 3.7
  2. Windows 8.1 update occurred

Then, it has not worked properly since this morning.

I get the error message that  "No Apps Are Installed To Open This Type Of Link".  

I have uninstalled the extensions and then reinstalled them but they still do not work. 

Can anyone help me?

in Windows by (510 points)

You need to re-associate the default handlers probably in your operating system. You can find this option in the Windows control panel. This manual is for Windows 10, however it should be very similar for Windows 8: https://www.zoiper.com/en/support/home/article/97/click_to_dial___callto%3A_sip%3A_handlers_are_not_working

I just tried to re-associate the default handers.  Zoiper is not listed anywhere under Set Your Default Programs.  

I re-installed Zoiper 5 and was able to associate the protocols to Zoiper.  


Hi I'ma also seeing the same problem on windows 10 with Zoiper Biz. No zoiper in default programs. i have seen this now in a couple of windows 10 machines. how do we fix this?

By "Zoiper Biz", do you mean Zoiper Classic ? If yes, this is normal. Zoiper Classic is a legacy application and adds the necessary registry keys as per the Windows XP/Vista/7 requirements. For Windows 10 some changes need to be made, however Zoiper Classic will not receive any further development support.

Yes, Zoiper Classic ?  Thank you

There is nothing we can do about Zoiper Classic. It will work properly with older versions of Windows. Zoiper Classic is unable to register for the Callto:, tel: and zoiper: protocols under Windows 10.

Does anyone have a work around for zoiper classic on Windows 10? Click to Dial no longer works.

Got it, but you said some changes need to be made. so this tells me there is a manuall work around we can do to get by for now. we are planning to upgrade but would like the manual work around for now.

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