Hi! My company is currently migrating from Alcatel PBX system to vanilla Asterisk.
Some of our employees have Windows Mobile 8.1 based phones. As you might know there is a common problem with running application in a background, so I'd decided to use your instruction for sending PUSH messages to certain windows phone.
However I made some alterations with your script and dialplan because dialplan you adviced to use sends incorrect URL to script. Now I am sending complete location string to script and then cutting it with sed. It looks like everything should work fine, script debug returns
<code>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</code>
but the phone didn't recieves any push messages.
I'd read about two different services providing PUSH messages: MPNS and WNS. However devices with windows 8.1 uses only WNS. Is it possible that zoiper app trying to send it with MPNS instead of WNS?
"Keep alive wi-fi" and "Run under locked screen" options are enabled. Can you help me with this problem?