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in our business environment we are in need to have multiple clients (~50 clients) running Zoiper5 Pro.

So we managed to install it on all machines and activated it locally using a local admin on our Win10 machines.

Soon, we ran into a problem: 

On all machines we had to enter the credentials for our zoiper account again to activate our Pro licenses as soon as a user logged in to the machine (even though Zoiper5 Pro was already activated using a local admin). The certificate file was already created in %programdata%\Zoiper5 when it was licenses using the local admin. 

Is there any way to handle this problem more suitable to a business environment? Currently we have to deal with this issue on a daily basis.

in Windows by (120 points)


I believe you have opened a ticket with us, which was answered. 

Let me know if I am wrong. 

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