+6 votes

 At the present I do not want zoiper to run in the background.  If I close the app it still stays registered and I have issues with the home voip service.  I can turn the wifi off and later turn back on again, the app registers again even though it has been closed.  I can go through settings and do a forced stop and all is ok.  

Can this forced stop happen when app is closed.

Phone is Samsung S7 edge android 8.0

in Android by (180 points)


To exit from Zoiper simply open the side menu and select "Exit".

Thanks for that

Doesn't work for me. It will stay registered even after I've exited via the side menu's 'exit' button. To really exit, I have to force close the application. This is with Zoiper Premium 2.6.39.

When you tap on "Exit", wait for up to one minute. First the SIP account will be unregistered and then Zoiper will shut-down.

If you use the PUSH service you will be asked if you want to keep receiving calls or not. Simply tap on "no" and wait a bit.

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