+2 votes

I don't hear no sound in both ways with usb headset or speakers in laptop. With other sip application jitsi on fedora 29 works a sip-call. after a reinstall from zoiper it was the same problem. I moved the config directory and setup a new configuration. the first sip-call works with a normal sound. the next calls won't works.

Can I add a trace here?

- NAT related network issues (>95% of the missing audio cases)

My Lancom 1781-Router is my SIP-Gateway to Sip-Providers

- SIP ALG / Stateful firewall issues

My Lancom 1781-Router is my SIP-Gateway to Sip-Providers.

- An issue with the headset, audio card or audio driver. (happens mostly on desktop).

In the audio configuration can I hear a sound on the test-button.

- misconfigured portforwarding on the router

My Lancom 1781-Router is my SIP-Gateway to Sip-Providers.

in Linux by (140 points)

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