0 votes

I have 1 year subscribtion for your PUSH service. Initially it was working fine but since December it is very unreliable and actually doesn't serve its purpose. I experience 2 main problems:

1. Very often getting "failed registration" b/c Error 503(route not found) or 408(timeout)

2. Sometimes the phone shows the account is registered but actually it isn't on the SIP server.

Not sure what is the problems...maybe too small capacity and many customers or just bad design and support...for sure the problem isnt in SIP provider or the phone settings.  Anyway, please take care to support properly the PUSH service ...otherwise it is just money grabbing non-sense.


in Android by (190 points)


Are you still having issues with the PUSH service ? Around the time when you posted that we were implementing some changes on the PUSH servers.

1 Answer

0 votes

I am going to purchase this service. Is it working ok for you now?

by (170 points)

I have the subscription (bought 1 year so can't cancel it now) but not using it...moved to Groundwire. Their PUSH has different architecture and I don't have any problems with it.

We had some temporary issues during the time when this post was initially created, there should be no such cases right now. Except when some service providers intentionally block our PUSH service for one or another reason...In those cases unfortunately there is nothing we can do.

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