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We have problem with calls.  The sound disappear on random base. We use the last. Iphone e version  Can we arrange some test to sho the problem and have some troubleshooting in Sofia district (bg) 

We use vpn and start app in tunnel mode  We check and we have network communication  through the home to pbx. But time to time the sound disappear. We find that in big number of tries. We push hold/unfold button and we receive the voice. But that is not stable decision. And we want to Organize some troubleshooting with your help 

How we can do that ? 

Maybe you will advise us something 

Thank you in advance

Krasimir Veselinov And Martin Tenev SoftGroup Ad 

in Android by (120 points)
Hi Krasi,

If placing the call on hold and then restoring it resolves the issue, then wait for our next update, we have implemented some changes which might resolve it. I can also suggest that you install Zoiper Beta to always receive the latest changes early.

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