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I have downloaded Zoiper app for my iphone and it doesn't work. After I login when I try to make a call the app automatically stops working but I can see on my notifications that the minutes are counting and it says "ongoing call" on and when I try to "hang up" (on the notifications little box) it just doesnt respond. The other person gets the call but I can not hear anything and my app doesnt work nor respond). In order to stop seeing the "ongoing call" message I have to restart my phone.

Could you please help me to solve this problem? Thank you.

Best regards,

in iOS by (120 points)


This issue is pretty much the same as the one descrebed here: https://www.zoiper.com/en/support/home/article/72/calls_get_disconnected_after_30_seconds

It has the same root. Try our guide.

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