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me sale este error 

Tienes un error asociado a esta cuenta.
Prohibido (código: 403)

Nombre de usuario 5034 

Nombre de cuenta 5034 @ Prof-IT 

Marca de tiempo 2019-07-04T12: 22: 00-05: 00 


Capa de error (3) 

Código de error 403 

Error de texto prohibido 

in Android by (120 points)


Please try to follow the community rules by using English for your requests. 

In this case I will make an exception and approve the post, since the issue is obvious from the attached screenshot. 

Regarding the error, I can suggest that you see our F.A.Q. article regarding this error, here: https://www.zoiper.com/en/support/home/article/60/SIP_403_-_Forbidden#windows

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