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Hi! I tried to reinstall Zoiper and add different users with ubuntu 18.04 and it was successfully running again then after an hour the error still pop.


APP Started! [ PID: 6284 ]
APP Started! [ PID: 6303 ]
XXXXXX.XXXXXX:INFO:CONSOLE(22)] "overwrite %s on %o", source: file:///js/prod.main.js (22)
XXXXXX.XXXXXX:INFO:CONSOLE(22)] "overwrite %s on %o", source: file:///js/prod.main.js (22)
XXXXXX.XXXXXX:INFO:CONSOLE(22)] "overwrite %s on %o", source: file:///js/prod.main.js (22)
XXXXXX.XXXXXX:INFO:CONSOLE(22)] "overwrite %s on %o", source: file:///js/prod.main.js (22)
[ERROR] The string supplied did not seem to be a phone number.
[0710/XXXXXX.XXXXXX:INFO:CONSOLE(28)] "There is no active dialog", source: file:///js/prod.main.js (28)
[0710/XXXXXX.XXXXXX:INFO:CONSOLE(29)] "save preferred sizes (collapsed): %o %o", source: file:///js/prod.main.js (29)

Note:"XXXXXX.XXXXXX" is mobile number
tried running through terminal with setsid (the error above)
Also when I tried to click the Zoiper shortcut nothing happens.

in Linux by (120 points)

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