0 votes

I have the weirdness issue. I run IOS version 12.4 on iPhone X, and Zoiper 3.21.1, been using it since mid 2018, and it been working fine ever since two days ago.

Mind you, I also have this running on my Android, and does not have this issue I am about to described.

The App Register fine to the server and can make extension calls fine on the server. However, there are a few landlines numbers which I been calling since I have the app; when I dial these numbers the app just closes, when I dial numbers that I have never dial before the call goes through and the app never crash, which I find is weird. 

As stated above, Zoiper on the Android never does this, running on the same server.

Can anyone tell me how to solve this please?

in iOS by (120 points)
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Thank you for reporting this.

Could you send me the crash dumps (logs) as described on our F.A.Q., here: https://www.zoiper.com/en/support/home/article/175/Log_files#ios 

You can pack them and upload them on some cloud file sharing service such as OneDrive, Gdrive, Dropbox. You can then use the contact form on our website. Choose "Technical support question" and choose iOS. Then you can provide a link to this thread and to the files so we can investigate the crash.

Thank you! : )

I tried filling out the Tech Support Form to upload the crash log url, but when I click free user,  I get redirected. 

How can I PM you the link? 


1 Answer

0 votes


I have created a ticket for you in the system.

I believe you should have received an email. :)

by (34.3k points)

I have emailed the link where the log can be found.

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