0 votes

Has anyone successfully used Zoiper5 with the LDAP/Active Directory Contacts integration.

I have attempted several times to configure the account settings and rather depressingly Zoiper doesn't provide any feedback as to error - server not found, password wrong or any such usefulness - instead it just refuses to work!

Help and guidance would be much appreciated :-)

in General by (120 points)


If you manage the LDAP yourself you can check the server logs, or you can run Wireshark to see the exact error. 

1 Answer

0 votes

Bump - didn't find any answer on this which is kind frustrating after spending a significant amount of money on this product.

Looking for some kind of HowTo ...

by (140 points)

Try checking first if your server supports plain LDAP, LDAPS will not work.

Also make sure that you have chosen in Zoiper the proper authentication method and that all attributes are properly mapped.
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