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Tengo instalada la extensión en Chrome (Zoiper Click2Dial) Funciona muy bien en las paginas web, Menos en las Aplicaciones de Google  ¿Por que no aparece el icono de Zoiper para Llamar en las Aplicaciones de Google? ¿Sabe alguien como solucionarlo?


I have installed the extension in Chrome (Zoiper Click2Dial) works very well on the websites, except in the Google Apps Why Zoiper icon does not appear to call in Google Apps? Does anyone know how to fix it?

in Windows by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Please note that you will need to have the numbers composed in the proper syntax.
Numbers composed properly look like this:
+44 154 22 2 3345
+(44)1480 854 383
+49 7246 / 70 53 2522

by (23.9k points)
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