–1 vote

Hi. I´m using a free version and I need to disable the wainting call, but I can´t find how.

I will appreciate your comments.


in Windows by (110 points)

You need to contact your VoIP service provider and ask them to disable this feature for your SIP/ IAX account. Can't we do it manually with the help of third party providers.

1 Answer

0 votes


You need to contact your VoIP service provider and ask them to disable this feature for your SIP/ IAX account.

by (34.3k points)


Thanks for your answer.

I asked them about this and they told me that this is a Zoiper configuration, and there is no option in the PBX configuration.

I will continue searching about this and let you know,


As a workaround, you can use the "Auto reject calls" feature of Zoiper5.

You can find this feature under Zoiper -> Settings -> Automation -> Enable it and select "on the phone". This way Zoiper will reject all other calls while Zoiper is set on that status.

Hi Tsetso.

Ok, I will test it and let you know.

Thank you!

Best regards.

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