Server- side auto answer is a Zoiper BIZ feature. It is not available in Zoiper Free. It is supported both on Zoiper3 and Zoiper Classic.
This option is used with a special header - on your server side - to tell Zoiper that this call should be auto-answered.
Use the following syntax:
exten => 100,1,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info:<sip:>\;answer-after=5)
exten => 100,n,Dial(Sip/mynumber)
You can enable the option here:
Zoiper Classic:
1. Open the Zoiper Options window;
2. enable the "Show advanced options" scheckbox;
3. Go to General Options;
4. Select call events;
5. enable "Accept server-side auto-answer".
Zoiper 3
1. Open the Zoiper Main window;
2. go to Settings -> Preferences -> Automation -> Automation.
3. enable "Accept server-side auto-answer".