0 votes

I am using Zoiper for Android on Lenovo 7000 phone. For some reason I cannot turn on ring tone for incoming calls. I went into SIP account - Ringtone and set up a ringtone and it still does not ring. In Audio menu I was only able to turn on vibration for incoming calls. How can I turn on ringtone for incoming calls?

in Android by (120 points)


Are you using a custom ringtone or one of the ringtones that came with your mobile device?

I am using ringtones that came with my mobile phone.

Did you try to increase the volume while ringing by using the side buttons? Please excuse me if you have already tried this.


Yes, of course. I hear all other incoming calls, like Skype, mobile, etc.

I do have the same problem on an Asus Zenphone2 !

It's 2019 now and i have the same problem on an Asus tablet (ME173X) with Android 4.2.2 and the free version of Zoiper, version 2.7.8 / library v2.9.2

All other messenger apps do ring, but zoiper does not. WHY? Am i just not getting something?

3 Answers

0 votes

I am also having the same issue I set tone and nnothing but vibrates

by (140 points)

Please upgrade to the most recent version, released about 12 hours ago. We had a problem in the last release that caused this to happen on some and have reverted the code.

0 votes

I do have the same problem on an bq M5.

Only vibrates and I can here a ringtone very silent!

by (140 points)

Please update to the latest version. The OP's issue is different.

With the new version it is all ok!


0 votes

Hey buddy
Make sure your device is not in silent mode, Try cleaning cache files and resetting android app. if still doesn't help. try updating android os and search for zoiper update. Hope my comment adds value herre and resolves your query. Cheers

by (140 points)
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