0 votes

Good morning,

When someone calls me, I can't get his caller id (his telephone number).

The information I get is:

  • Incoming call from:
  • telefonica.net
  • myphonenumber@telefonica.net

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,
in Windows by (150 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

The thing is that telefonica.net sends the caller-ID in the P-Asserted-Identity header like:


but de from header sent by telefonica is like:

From: <sip:telefonica.net>  (no number in this header)

Zoiper (at least the free Zoiper Classic version) doesn't seem to handle the P-Asserted-Identity header even though the caller-ID there is more reliable tham the info in the from header.

I would encourage developers of Zoiper to handle the P-Asserted-Identity header to extract the caller-ID from that field.

by (440 points)
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Zoiper is showing what the server sent it. Please report the issue to telefonica

by (23.9k points)
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