+1 vote

Hi All, 

for some reason, and although i have registered my SIP account in my Zoiper on my Windows 8, Lumia 920 smartphone, when i call my VOIP number(from a landline), it does not ring on my mobile. 

It says, "registered" and "available", which means it is ready to accept calls. But, when i call from a land line, i hear no ringing neither the phone rings.

I have an X-Lite installation on my Windows 7 PC for testing purposes, and it works like a charm...

Can you please help me with this?

Many thanks in advance.

Best Regards,


in Windows Phone by (170 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

Please make sure the account is used on only one softphone at the same time.

by (23.9k points)

I have tested again, without any other softphone running.
I get no ringing tone from the device i am calling my VOIP number.
My mobile phone does not ring either.

What can i do next?

Thank you.
0 votes

And i am receiving notifications from my VOIP provider although no ringing...

by (170 points)
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