+1 vote

Hello there, testing here Zoiper Pro with push notifications, this seems to be the only architecture that is working finally on mobile phones! No other SIP software works once the mobile phone falls asleep.

Only issue is that after 1 ring the call is dropped.

I am using a testing facility with a test PBX so that only "internal" calls to given extensions are allowed, so these are not outbound calls on real phone numbers. Using classic SIP apps (3CX, GrandStream, etc) would work with the same settings.

Same problem on Android an IOS

Any idea?

in iOS by (130 points)

same issue to me as well. I am also ZOIPER PREMIUM USER and waiting for the solution from these guys


We have rewritten the PUSH for IOS, now it should be much better.

If calls drop after one(or few) rings, or 30-60 seconds, in most cases this happens when you have your SIP account registered simultaneously on multiple endpoints. Every endpoint device is sending its "REGISTER" packet and essentially "stealing" the registration from the PBX.  

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