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Can i change zoiper softphone status programmaticaly by command line or by API. I did check API documentation without any success.

in SDK & API by (150 points)


Are you planning to use Zoiper Classic or Zoiper 3?

I'm using Zoiper 3

1 Answer

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Could you please be more specific about the goals you would like to achieve?

If you are looking for a way the use the presence of the account and to set it via command line or API, be aware that the API of Zoiper 3 Biz supports the following:

EPresenceModel IZoiperAccount::PresenceModel - Specifies the presence model used by the account.

VARIANT_BOOL IZoiperAccount::PublishPresence - Enables the SIP account to publish its presence information.

However currently there is no way to specify the actual presence status.
by (18.4k points)
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