0 votes

I have configured my SIP account and will receive incoming calls, but I can only make selected outgoing calls.  There is no rationale as to why one number will work and another won't.  It seems to call a 1-289#, but not a 1-416# which are both in the same city, and will also call a 1-649# which is an international call.  The outgoing calls that do not go through seem to show a little red lock beside the bars for service if that means anything?

I also don't seem to have any audio on incoming or outgoing calls (that go through) - I'm not sure if that is a separate or related issue.  I reviewed the settings with my VOIP provider and they seemed ok to them.  I also was not able to dial the 4443# to test the audio (same issue as above).

in Android by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Are you using SIP or IAX2?
Does the issue appear on both 3G and WiFi?
Does the issue appear with each of the available codecs?

If you are using SIP account, please try to enable or disable STUN in account configuration -> "Network Settings".

Do you use TCP or UDP? Please try using TCP if your provider supports it.
You might want to try changing the audio driver in Zoiper -> Config -> Audio settings.

by (23.9k points)

I am using SIP. 

Only trying Wifi right now. 

My VOIP provider reviewed the audio codecs I am using (GSM, uLaw, aLaw) and said those should work on their system.  Should I enable other ones?

I tried enabling STUN with default settings - no change

I tried switching to TCP - no change.

I switched Audio Driver from OpenSLES PortAutio to External Java Driver - no change.

Hi I am having difficulty with outgoing calls that are being missed I call a costumer in Canada and its changing during dailing and calls someone else like Russia or anywhere else. 

Please Help!

Thank you for your time !

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