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How to configure zoiper that he saw the phone number in a browser , calls to the touch . Just as in Skype
in Web (Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox) by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Click to dial transforms the phone numbers written on a webpage into clickable numbers.
You need to enable Click to dial during the installation process.
The installer will place the ClickTodial addon if possible, then you might need to activate it manually.
For IE you will need to activate the addon manually in your browser setting window.
For Firefox you will also need to activate the addon manually. Please find the latest build of the addon for Firefox attached.
Chrome have limited the usage of addons that are not included in the Chrome store. We have adding  the Click to dial addon in the Chrome store in our to-do list, however it might take some time.

The plugin for Chrome can still be enabled. Here is what must be done:

- Remove the currently installed plugin in Chrome.
- Go to the installation directory of Zoiper and locate the *.crx extension for Chrome.
- Copy the *.crx file to a location of your choice.
- Extract the *.crx file using 7zip or other archiving tool.
- Go to Chrome-Extensions and enable Developer mode.
- Select Load unpacked extensions, locate the extracted *.crx file and select it.

Now the plugin should be usable.

Please note that you will need to have the numbers composed in the proper syntax.
Numbers composed properly look like this:
+44 154 22 2 3345
+(44)1480 854 383
+49 7246 / 70 53 2522


by (23.9k points)
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