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G'Day, just been trying to set up the Zoiper 5.4.9 on a customers site, its a new installation of equipment using a VodiaIOP and Lynksys ATA to our intercom units - functionally works a treat.

The only strange issue is that during the proof of concept we used Zoiper 5.3.7 with no issues.

Now with the 5.4.9, after installation it wont start up on the customers PC until the network cable is removed. Once this is done it can be launched and configured. This issue was not seen on 5.3.7.

Any ideas, I dont have access to the customers PC to look at log files.


Coal Dust

in Windows by (120 points)


Try filling the support contact form, however if you cannot get logs from the machine I am not sure if we will be able to offer investigation options.

If you have not tried restarting the computer while testing with 5.3 and 5.4.9, try rebooting it.

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