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Is it possible to automatic activation using the config.file in silent instalation?

in SDK & API by (270 points)

1 Answer

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Hello, this feature is not supported for Zoiper 3 Biz,

Here is a list of the commands and arguments that Zoiper 3 takes from a
command line.

Registering with licensing server(Biz only):

register_with_server=[ host ]

Show Zoiper windows if hidden or minimized:


Hang an active call(Biz only):


Call a number:

call=[ phone number ]
dial=[ phone number ]
dial_string=[ phone number ]

Search for a contact(Biz only):

find=[ filter ]

Send fax to number(Biz Only):

fax= [ number ]
fax_file=[ number ]

These 2 load an account configuration file.

add_account_file=[ path to file ]
add_account_url=[ url ]

by (23.9k points)
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