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closed with the note: #151138
in Windows by (150 points)
closed by

1 Answer

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Please send more details about this issue to support_at_zoiper_dot_com

by (23.9k points)

I have Windows 10 64 bits installed

The Zoiper versión is Zoiper BIZ 3.6.25251 64 bit

CODECs: a-law, h264 only activated

The same Zoiper's configuration in Windows XP / Windows 7 works fine

Hello, 3.6 is a bit outdated. Please login to our customer area to download the most recent release of your product.


Please point me the steps to download a newer version. I just find the version that I have installed: 64 bit 3.6.25251 Zoiper Biz

I have sent you an email with the most recent links


Thanks for the links, I've installed the last versión 3.10.32686 64bit.

After test, the result is the same, the Zoiper is frozen when a video call is answered.

Please go to Zoiper -> Settings -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Diagnostics and enable the
Debug log and the Detailed Crash Dump.

Now please exit Zoiper.

To create the packet capture file you could use an application like Wireshark.
Wireshark is a useful tool for taking packet captures and network monitoring.
You can download it here:


Documentation is available here:

Here is our small tutorial about how to make a pcap:

What you need to take a packet capture is just make sure Zoiper is not running, then start Wireshark, select the currently active network interface and start capturing.
Now please start Zoiper and recreate the issue.

When done please exit Zoiper, then stop capturing and save the capture as a file.
Please send this file to us along with the debug log file that was created in the %APPDATA%\Zoiper folder for the currently logged windows user. To access it you will need to open a Windows file browser then type %appdata% in the address bar and press Enter.
Open the folder named Zoiper and there should be the log file.

Then please send the log files to support_at_zoiper_dot_com

It's been a month and a half since the last update . Is there anything new with this issue?


Our developers are still investigating the issue. When their investigation is finished there will be a new build with a fix (if needed). We will notify you by email.

I need to know why this issue is closed without any solution. The problem remain in our installation.


This topic I closed because you are a BIZ user, entitled to premium support. There is a ticket opened in our Request tracker system for your case. There is no point to have it opened two times.

I monitor the ticket in our system and I see the new build for you is not ready yet. I will check for updates and update the ticket.

  Please note the community forum mainly servers Free users and all cases for BIZ users are moved to RT and cases here are locked.,

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