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Can I tell zoiper take a configuration file from some url during the silent install? For example:


in Windows by (270 points)

1 Answer

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You will need to create your own MSI installer and use provisioning to tell Zoiper where to get the config file from.

by (23.9k points)
selected by

Please give me an example, how  can i tell  Zoiper to get configuration from some URL
through CMD.


You will not be able to directly introduce the config vie the command line.

Please take a look at the provisioning documentation below


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Okay, thanks.
can I ask you some more question?

I saw the command "add_account_url = [url]" in this ticket:
But it can add only 1 account.
Is there a command like "add_accounts_url", which can helps me to add multiple accounts?

Where can I create a ticket for biz users?

Did you try scripting more than one account in the file? What issues did you experience?

i try:

start "zoiper" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zoiper\Zoiper.exe" add_account_url=http://emexdev1.patientcallbacks.com/ons/apps/frontend/modules/softphone/config_templates/Config_2.xml
It does not work, new accounts are not created

the structure of XML:

start "zoiper" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zoiper\Zoiper.exe" add_account_url=http://emexdev1.patientcallbacks.com/ons/apps/frontend/modules/softphone/config_templates/Config_3.xml
This command works, the account is added

the structure of XML:

examples XML:

I have opened a ticket in the RT system.

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