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Softphone 2.43 with g729

in Windows by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Probably your server is sending these calls to your Zoiper for some reason. Please report that issue with your VoIP provider.

by (23.9k points)

Not likely. These seem to be ghost calls from SIP scanners. I suggest Zoiper add a setting to disallow direct IP calls. This solves the problem on my ATA entirely.

Zoiper receives the calls that are sent by the server.
There is no way to stop the calls from inside zoiper. Is your computer in an internal network, or it is using a public ip ?
You could try to block port 5060 except for the ip of your VoIp server. You might also try changing the Zoiper sip port in the Advanced settings to something else than 5060. The server will not have any issues with this as you are registering to it.

I now always use Random Port for listening. Problem solved!

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