There are several things to check:
- what error message is displayed for the registration failure? You can check that by opening Zoiper and going to "Config"-"Accounts" - message will be below your account name.
- your mobile data provider might be filtering SIP and its ports, even tough you might be unaware of that.
- check Zoiper "Config"-"Connectivity" and make sure "Run in background" and "Keep Alive WiFi" are enabled. "Stay Awake" option is better to be used with TCP transport, so it is up to you. "Keep Alive WiFi" option cannot overwrite your WiFi Settings(Android Settings).
- check if background data is not restricted for Zoiper.
- check Kaspersky settings to make sure it is not blocking Zoiper and connections it initiates.
- try TCP transport, if supported by your provider. Maybe even alter STUN and rport, although it seems they wont affect the described behavior.