0 votes

Hi, I'm new user of zoiper. I'm facing a great problem to add my amivox iax account to zoiper. I can't understand how can I connect my iax account. Please answer me in details. If possible, please give me screenshots.

in Android by (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote


To configure an IAX account in Zoiper you would need to follow these instructions:

Zoiper 3 - Go to Settings -> Preferences -> Accounts -> Create account. Then choose IAX and fill the settings for Domain, Username and Password.

Zoiper for Android - Go to Configuration -> Accounts -> Add account -> IAX -> Select yes if you already have an account -> Manual configuration and fill the required settings for Host, Username and Password.

Zoiper for iOS - Open the Settings menu and go to Accounts, then choose "+" and select yes if you already have an account -> Manual configuration -> IAX and fill the information for Domain, Username and Password.

Zoiper for Windows Phone 8 - Run Zoiper and choose "Create" -> "I already have an account" -> "Manual" -> "IAX" and then fill the settings for the Account name, Domain, Username, Password, etc.

by (18.4k points)
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