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Windows Desktop version of Zoiper keeps forgetting the SIP account after reboot. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling and this problem still reoccurs. I have to reload the account data every day or reboot to use this application.

in Windows by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Which version of zoiper is this ? Zoiper 3 or zoiper classic ?

Is there anything special about the setup ? Is this a standalone windows pc or is a domain controller involved or some sort of remote desktop / terminal server / citrix etc ?

Is this Zoiper Business or the free version ? (The different versions store the configuration in a different place). It will go either into the installation folder or into the %APPDATA% folder.

I believe something is deleting or overwriting the configuration file (or maybe zoiper does not have write permissions to the folder).

by (11.5k points)

This is the free version. I was working on my other login on the system but the profile got corrupted and had to create a new profile.

Since trying to use it on the new account it has started this behavior.

I have uninstalled and removed all program and appdata folders as well as registry entries.

this is a joined AD computer (win8.1pro) with a admin account.

(I am testing this to bring to my company as a voip solution, If i can't get it to work I will need to move on to another software trial)

The issue is that the free version keeps the configuration settings in the installation folder, and not in the appdata folder like the biz version does. You probably have several users overwriting each others configuration.

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