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I have a problem with the andoid app. 
I have been using SIP for months on my smartphone and I would like hereby to find out if technically there exists any possibility of keeping SIP on regardless of my phone screen's activity.  Reason for this is,  when my smartphone s screen on off- modus,  i am automatically log off from the SIP,  thereby unreacheable.  Is there any way we can correct this problem?

As per configuration,  i believe i have checked all there is to keep me online yet to no avail.

in Android by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


Depending on your android version and the brand of the device you might have an additional powersaving policy that prevents data and wifi to be used while on standby. Please check your android power settings.

by (23.9k points)

Thats the solution!  Thanks so much for your help :-)

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