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i am a total Voip Newbie.

I just registered at sipcall, got an Voipnumber and reloaded the balance of the account.

everythings looks fine and... for my luck, sipcall have an small Zoiper-tutarial for iPhone Users  at their Website.

So everything should work well... i thougth...

Account name: some name
Domain: free1.voipgateway.org
User name: <sipcall User>
Password: <VoIP-Password>
Caller ID: <sipcall user>
Auth Username: <sipcall user>
Outbound Proxy: not necessary

Klick "Register" to complete.

it looks really simple.

The only Thing i changed is the doman to

Domain: free3.voipgateway.org

I changed it because i got this

SIP-Server: free3.voipgateway.org

SIP Proxy: free3.voipgateway.org

information with my registration mail. I Thing that the tutorial is not correct / detailed in this point.

however i tried it with "free1" to.

But it ends all the time wih the information "Registering"... endlessly. And the Registatrion Status at the top of the Screen  is NO.

Sometimes i got "Authorisation failure(500)"... but i think only if i try zu cancel / or push the registration button a few times...

Really strange.... i just noticed that if ichange the connetion from 4G to Wifi or in the othe direction the app connects. Status: "Registration OK" an a green hook at Accoauts-Screen ...but only for 5 -10 Seconds. Then   i get "Authorisation failure(500)"

I hope you have an idea...

btw.: i tried it at the mobile 4G Netword and with WLAN...


in iOS by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

If your account cannot register for some reason, you may try to alter STUN and rport from Zoiper's "Settings"->"Accounts"->your account->"Network Settings".

Please also make sure that the routing device is not blocking ports used by Zoiper. The default ports used by Zoiper are:

SIP port is 5060
IAX port is 4569 UDP
RTP port is 32000 and above UDP

Default STUN vallues:
Server hostname/IP :stun.zoiper.com
Port: 3478 UDP/TCP
Refresh period: 30

Keep also in mind that some mobile operators restrict the use of VoIP into their networks. Please check with your vendor.

by (18.4k points)
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