+1 vote


I am on Galaxy S7 Edge with Android 6.0.1 and Zoiper Beta was working perfectly, but something happen and when I receive incoming call, I get ring sound but no window opens to answer the call.


in Android by (130 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

I'd add another item to this issue.

When I get a phone call I hear the ring and I see the central icon blinking, but I have to imagine how to move that icon (left or right, I don't remeber) to accept/reject the call because the icon accept/reject are missing. It's a little problem, of course.

Zoiper 2.2.27 (library "v2.8.66-mod") - Android 6.0.1 (on VFD 600)

by (320 points)
0 votes

Same here. Zuk z2 on Android 7 and zui 2.5.462st

by (230 points)
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