+1 vote

Hello, i install Zoiper5 Free, and configured asterisk server. When i receive new call, asterisk set caller name, but this is name does't show in main window and call log but show in popup about new call 

popup screenshot

main window screenshot

Log from asterisk

Set("SIP/Trank-00000000", "CALLERID(name)=Матросова (Иван Влад"

Set("SIP/Trank-00000000", "CDR(cnam)=Матросова (Иван Влад")

Can i fix it?

in Mac by (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote


This is because you have received a call from this number once before you have set the custom caller ID and Zoiper has saved this record in its History. When you have added the custom caller ID, Zoiper will check the previous record in its history and will show the incoming call as it was initially set. 

We are aware of this and we will rework it with our next update. 

by (34.3k points)


Has this problem been solved since we are experiencing the same problems. Best annoying and would be nice if this could be solved.

Kind regards,


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