+3 votes

Hey Guys,

First up I love Zoiper! I've tried most of the voip apps on the market. They all have their quirks and registration failure issues when changing from wifi to 4G, but I seem to get the most stability with Zoiper.

I was using the old 1.53 app because I liked the old interface and it had been stable enough. However, lately I kept getting registration failure's changing networks and would have to force close the app. So today I upgraded to version 2.5.38 and paid for the Pro version.

I bought a subscription to the Push Notification service as it would be nice to use this feature for more stable registrations and battery use. However, I just get "registration failure" when I enable the Push Notifications setting.

I checked and voip provider isn't blocking the proxy IP But they don't officially support Zoipier (only Bria Stretto). Is there something I'm missing in the proxy setup that would cause registration issues?

What do you think?

in Android by (190 points)


Can you try filling your SIP username under the Auth. Username field in your account settings ? 

Check if you will be able to register.

Thanks for your help, I did try with the SIP username and password under Auth, but I get the same issue. Maybe my SIP provider isn't compatible :(

Try contacting them and asking them what their server does not like. This will be useful information for all of us.

Hi Jimmy,

I've experienced the same problem and tried everything I know without succes. As a final attempt I configured (*root*) Android to work with Cloudflare DNS instead of my ISP's DNS. That solved it for me. So the problem might be at your ISP's side.

Changing DNS can be done without root. Here's an article on that:


1 Answer

–1 vote

I had the same problem at my job. For me, it's seems to be a network issue. When at home, the push notification is able to connect. At my job, it wasn't able.

by (220 points)
PUSH service causing registration to fail
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