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I have used Zoiper Pro with push service (Huawei P9 EVA-L19, Android 6.0 / EMUI 4.1.1). Every incoming call was interrupted after exactly 32 seconds (confirmed by my billing of my VoIP-operator). Additionally: call duration of incoming calls in call log was every time 0 sec.
On the same circumstances Zoiper Free was working fine and stable (the same VoIP-account, the same Zoiper-settings, the same mobile network).
Now is the one month subscription over, the push service is no more active and... Zoiper Pro is working fine - no more interrupted calls and the call duration in the call log is always correct.
Any ideas?

in Android by (140 points)


Could you send us an email to android [at] zoiper [ dot ] com, with this topic cited and the username for your SIP account and the hostname of your service provider so we can investigate the issue ?

Have you also tried setting the transport type for the PUSH proxy to TLS ? This issue sounds like a SIP ALG working somewhere on the network.

I am also experiencing this issue and have no lodged 2 support requests and yet to receive any response.

I am a gold user and use Android and DIDLogic as my SIP provider. I have tried the suggestion PUSH proxy TLS however with this the SIP registration fails.


Could you provide me with the ticket number ?

Here are the 2 ticket numbers that are yet to be answered...One is almost a week old.

First Ticket  #268687

Second ticket  #269136

Could you send us an email to android [at] zoiper [ dot ] com, with this topic cited and the username for your SIP account and the hostname of your service provider so we can investigate the issue ?


Have you also tried setting the transport type for the PUSH proxy to TLS ?

I have tried several settings and finally I given up, “frozen” Zoiper Pro and “defrost” Zoiper Free and Zoiper Beta (with Titanium Backup).
Now I have an another one month subscription and have tried again today:
1. If I change push transport in menu connectivity protocol to TLS, I cannot get a connection with my VoIP account.
2. If I change transport type in the account settings to TLS, I can get a connection with my VoIP account, but the incoming calls are still terminated after 32 sec.
3. In menu proxy protocols I see nothing like TLS, only SIP and SIP+RTP.

This issue sounds like a SIP ALG working somewhere on the network.

If, then not by my intentionally.
I was several days away, so I send the e-mail today.
My e-mail got the ticket [zoiper #269515].

@Bmcguire, I can see your tickets have been merged and assigned to one of the support team members.  You should receive reply shortly.

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