+5 votes


  I'm using Zoiper Premium on Android to connect to an Asterisk PBX using IAX2 (as this is firewall friendlier than SIP). The problem is that even though Zoiper reports it registered Asterisk reports it as offline. When I reregister manually, it is OK again. For a while...

This happens both on WIFI and G3/4. And with Zoiper Lite too.

Has someone else seen this phenomenon?

Info: Zoiper Premium 2.6.39, Asterisk 13.22.0, Android 7.1.1, Sony Xperia Z5 (E6653).

Kind regards, Edgar.

PS Where are Zoiper's  log files located? /storage/emulated/0/zoiper/log is empty.

in Android by (170 points)

I'm experiencing the same issue with zoiper premium and the paid PUSH service on Android.  Both WiFi and Mobile networks.  I'm using voipfone over SIP.  PC version works just fine ??  I'm surprised there has been no response to this issue.


  I did some more investigation and NAT is screwing with things. When zoiper registers with asterisk, it does so with a random (even if set to fixed in zoiper) port. And asterisk remembers this port even when zoiper has "reregistered" with possibly a different port.

Zoiper doesn't truly reregister. It just detects that communication is again possible. And asterisk is left in the dark. So, it isn't zoiper's problem. It's NAT.

Consider this question (but not the log file one) answered.

Kind regards, Edgar.

Think I've resolved my problem by disabling RPORT for signalling.

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