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Pixel 2 XL
ZoiPer 2.8.39 (but it's the same with any version)
"Push service" subscribed, enabled
Enabled networks: wifi, 4G

Problem: when I leave home (wifi) and the phone switches to 4G, in 30% of cases Zoiper FAILS to re-connect, MISERABLY. It tries for hours, killing the battery. Sometimes returning to wifi helps, sometimes it does not.

Manual SIP-account enable/disable inside ZoiPer does not help. Manual exit/restart of ZoiPer does not help. 

The only workaround I found - go to system-settings->ZoiPer->app-info, then FORCE STOP, and restart ZoiPer. This way it reconnects immediately in 100% of cases. 


in Android by (200 points)


There are improvements for the roaming of networks in Zoiper Beta, could you try it ?


Why not address the issue? Instead of constant 'check the beta'.

The issue is addressed in the Beta, but we still can't migrate it towards the stable channel. Currently I am unable to provide more information. 

I am using the beta. Maybe it's the wrong beta?


Installing. Will my subscription to PUSH work with this beta?

Uninstalled the old app, installed the beta. If fails in exactly the same way, but there is no need to kill the app to reconnect. Still, unsatisfactory performance. 


When you use the PUSH with the Beta you should no-longer see warning that you have been unreachable. Regarding the reachability statistics they do not work correctly when PUSH is enabled. They just show what percentage of time your phone has put Zoiper into deep sleep. 

I have no idea what you just said. The unfortunate fact is - I'm still missing calls. Whenever I leave home-wifi area - the icon immediately changes to a cross-in-a-circle, and unless I open the app and re-connect, no calls get through.

  • v. 2.10.3:
  • * Issue where the account is unable to register after network change is fixed;

Looks like it did the trick! Thanks! I'll test more and report back.

Glad to know that.

Furthermore, we have discovered a bug in Android itself. You can find more information about it here: https://www.zoiper.com/en/support/home/article/221/%5BAndroid%5D_Registration_not_possible_until_phone_is_rebooted_on_Wi-Fi

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