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I started using Zoiper on a tablet last December. I use several sipgate accounts and accept the default account settings and enter user / pass. Accounts register and I can make outgoing calls but I have never been able to receive a single call. I now have a new S6 and I really need to start using VoIP. Same problem with S6. I had all accounts working perfectly on old iPhone and they work with PC software. Just Zoiper not working!

Zoiper 1.36

Android 6.0.1


in Android by (120 points)
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Thank you for your reply.

Searched the forum before even registering for all 'incoming' in title.

Looked at 'Android client not accepting incoming calls after update' - not relevant as, as stated, I have had this problem since December. Disabled stun anyway (and have done so in the past) but no change.

Looked at several other posts one saying make sure I am properly registered and that no other connections exist. Yes, and yes. Again, all tried in the past.

Could you, helpfully, point me to the post that solves my problem as I cannot seem to find it?

Thanks, Andy.

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